• Strategyfree-consulting1-e1430941038955

Do you have a problem with your business strategy? With your customer communication? With your business plan? You don’t know which market you should target?  How to make the most out of your resources?

We are here to help. Please send us an email message including your email address and/or phone number and we will get in touch with you. We can arrange a meeting in person or we can communicate online. That is up to you. One thing is sure: We got you covered!


  • Performance Improvement

Imagine a tennis player playing tennis with table tennis racket… What will happen? He will lose. HARD! Don’t let that happen to your business, don’t miss your opportunities. You can write your own success story. We can help you!

  • Data Analysis

Everyone can find tons of data everywhere, both offline and online. But only small amount of people can make a good use of that data. As a business you’re probably buried under tons of tons of data. Imagine if you can make that data work for you. Imagine if you can make that data bring you new customers. Increase your revenue. Wouldn’t it be great?

  • Automation

With the new software product that we offer you’ll regret not finding us before. We all have daily routines that are boring. But some need to be done. Some are prone to errors. Some are the main reason for our stressful life. We had enough. So we decided to develop a software program that does all the dirty work for us. Without mistakes. Without stress. You can use it too.